Before the pandemic, we had some remote meetings and created digital solutions for use in sales consulting and training sessions for our customers. However, recent times have greatly accelerated many of these activities. Here is a quick summary of how Mercuri International Poland have adapted to the new reality.
From March 2020, the need to conduct training sessions remotely had become obvious, which did not mean that there was no resistance to this form of work. Therefore, the first achievement was the reorganization of the already started projects into a remote form. And we did it! We did it so well, that all projects were converted remotely with success.
While converted projects were delivered, new agreements and projects were coming up. From the first contact, through the designing phase to delivery and summary- all of this in a remote way, which means we managed to secure the effectiveness and quality of workshops and consultancy.
During this 18 month period each of our Consultants:
- conducted over 1000 hours of virtual training sessions
- with over 125 groups
- which included over 1500 trainees
prepared and delivered for each customer: 4-5 topics of training sessions on average
Over time the perception of remote meetings has changed. At first it was a willingness to support the salesforce with new tools and skills. Soon after the use of virtual meetings shifted into a hybrid way of working. An important issue in that way of acting is taking into consideration the company as well as the customer’s point of view:
- From the company perspective it means better and more effective use of time and resources and hence change in customer segmentation and work planning. Virtual meetings increased the list of possible ways of staying in touch.
- When planning a hybrid working model with customers it is important to take into consideration their willingness, technical possibilities, skills and digital maturity. This also can be a source of opportunities. When we will be the company that helps our customer to overcome these struggles, then we can win more than a one-time project.
This is exactly what one of our biggest partners achieved. You can read more about this project below.

Virtual Training Sessions for Customers
Mercuri International Poland was asked by the Marketing Department and the Product Management Department of our one of the biggest partners from the chemical industry to help them … They were facing the challenge of huge change in product portfolio during lockdown.

Minimising Debt
Sales training sessions are usually associated with sales performance and management. But what if the number of customers and orders they are making is fine yet the receiving of payment is a struggle?

Hybrid Promoting in pharmaceutical
Mercuri International Poland was invited to be a partner of a global initiative of a big Polish pharmaceutical company who has many subsidiaries all over the world. The idea was to introduce digital and remote tools into the representatives usual way of working in order to make it more hybrid and effective.
Like many of our customers we long for meetings face to face with them and their teams. That’s why we checked our markers – fortunately they did not dry out😉

We care about your sales. If you want to know more about how we can help you, please contact us.